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Are you paying attention?


golden way, walk to journey, focus, pay attention
Attention to Focus

When you focus on something, your brain highlights or “photographs” becomes part of your reality—your mental “album” of the world—and can affect your behavior: your thoughts, feelings, actions. In contrast, what you don’t pay attention to might as well not exist, at least for you. So choose your targets carefully. We want to pay Attention to our Intention, to how we are bringing that Intention consciously into our lives. Are we remembering our Intention? Are our actions in line with our Intention?

When you focus on positive and productive things, your visual field actually broadens, and so does your mental perspective, enabling you to see the big picture and consider more options. When we set an INTENTION that sets things in motion. The universe steps in and conspires to bring that Intention to fruition. It makes things happen for us in the direction of that Intention. With every yoga practice we can set an Intention for that practice. This can help enhance our bigger Intention.

We can bring our Attention to our foundation, to our breath, to our core, to our periphery, the lines and loops of energy in our body. All these keep our Attention focused in a positive way instead of the negative mindless chatter that we sometimes unconsciously fall into.

We want to be conscious of that Intention throughout our practice. That is part of our Attention. Our physical alignment is tied to our alignment with our Intention. So when we pay Attention to our alignment that feeds our Intention.

Take a moment to sit quietly. Bring your Attention to your foundation. Feel your sit bones connecting deeply with the Earth energy. From there feel the breath rise and bring your physical body into alignment. Feel the breath create a lightness and openness in your body. When we pay Attention to what we want, we create our lives. When we pay Attention to what we fear, we become a victim. So notice where your Attention lies. Place it with your Intention, your ultimate vision. Where Attention goes, energy flows.

Are we remembering our Intention?

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