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Energy Booster

It’s mid-morning and the energy is drained already.

Everyone is tired these days. I have not talked one person who doesn’t agree with the fatigue that seems to be hitting all of us. You don't have a health condition, and are wondering what is going on with your body. This ranges from a lack of sleep, having too much sugar, caffeine, stress, or dehydration.Quick fixes won’t do it: if we want to increase our energy in a sustained and balanced way, we have to examine our lifestyle, determine which of our habits are depleting, and make changes accordingly.

This happens to us physically and mentally. This means a drop in energy, depression, sadness, agitation, poor sleeping habits and a struggle to focus. Lifeless food yields lifeless bodies and minds. The closer our food is to its natural state, the more life-giving energy it has. Whole food is also easier for the body to assimilate. So eat fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes whenever you can. And limit your intake of caffeine and sugar; they give you a short-term illusion of energy but they drain you in the long run.

How do you feel about exercise? Do you avoid it or overdo it? Either way, this could be another reason why you’re tired. The most energy-giving exercise is regular and moderate—a daily routine of walking, jogging, or biking, for example, where you work hard enough to sweat but don’t overexert. Choose an activity that balance and be sure to do something you enjoy. Our bodies were designed with an innate need for rest and relaxation.

A powerful relationship between breath and energy. The breath, they say, is the bridge between body and mind. Improving the quality of your breathing improves the quality of your energy and attention. Begin, make a conscious commitment to practice deep, diaphragmatic breathing while you walk, talk, work, eat, and travel from place to place. You can also practice sitting and standing with your head, neck, and trunk in alignment; this will set the stage for deep breathing.

Try foods like cilantro, cabbage, spinach, kale, and other leafy greens which will fight free radicals, and balance the hormones. Spices like maca root can be added to shakes and juices to help balance hormones as well. They provide nutrients that are often lacking in our diet and boost our body’s energy production and detoxification processes.

A simple relaxation will refresh the body, calm the mind, and evenly distribute the energy.

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